Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am pushed past my limit and rise to a challenge - Jane (aka teela)

Greetings all,

For about a 2 year period during 2007/2008 I had interactions with a woman known as Jane. For about 6 months during that period I was her formal Mentor. She was not one of my success stories, in fact she is the only woman who I regret to say was one of my failures. These things happen. I have thought the matter was over between us, but clearly it is not.

Back in April she wrote an entry in her blog (where she calls herself Lady Nyo) about a particular experience with me. It can be read here. While she did not mention me by name she speaks of me as a "rope top" with "petty anger" and an "enormous ego". The comments section also made certain references to the experience of being bound by me. Later she wrote a second blog entry which can be read here. It speaks even more about her experience with me, and not in the most positive of terms.

Still I would have left the thing alone, since my name was not directly mentioned. However, since then some additional information about how she speaks of me has come to light and I believe I must say something to protect my reputation. I have posted a copy of the following note on Lady Nyo's blog as a comment. Since I believe there is a chance she may delete it, I am placing a copy here as well.

Be seeing you,

Greetings all,

My name is Mackenzie Cross. I have been motivated to write this note in order to set the record straight on a number of points concerning my relationship with Lady Nyo.

I should begin by saying that I am the fellow who Lady Nyo (whom I once called teela but will now call Jane) is referring to when she speaks of her second binding. The fellow with the "silly ego", with whom she supposedly shared a "nasty dance of anger". The "rope top" who has "well practiced mind control" and who "claimed the power of his dominance as to the ’success’ of this binding". Etc.

When I first read her blog entries last month my initial response was to leave the matter alone, even though it appeared she had changed her mind a great deal concerning me. Only a few months ago she had been filled with gratitude and thanks. Now she seemed to think somewhat less of me. Obviously something had changed in her thinking. This did not surprise me, since I have seen her do it before. Still, I was not overly concerned since my name was not mentioned. Jane is certainly allowed to think about me any way she wishes.

However, since that time, it has come to my attention that Jane has now started mentioning my name directly in some of her correspondences, and further, that she is portraying our history together as being something that it was not, something wrongful and unethical, something that portrays me at being at the best, pathetic, and at the worse, evil.

I am therefore writing to give my accounting of what transpired between us, so that I may clear my name of any smear which it may now carry because of her actions.

One more point before I begin. Jane claims that I have been, or perhaps still am, angry with her. I am not. In fact, up until a few days ago I haven't been feeling much of one thing or another about her for quite some time. The last emotion I felt was sadness since she still had not accepted her nature, and a certain remorse at my own failure to assist her. But that was back in August of last year. I was well content to leave the past in the past, but clearly she is not. I take umbrage with her comments, and take this action as my response.


I was first contacted by Jane in January of 2007. She had posted comments about a story of mine and I sent her a private email of thanks. In response she wrote back saying she was very new to the entire subject of Dominant/submissive (D/s) relationships. She asked if I could provide any references for additional reading materials.

Thus began a rather lengthy series of correspondences with Jane on a range of topics centered around my own ideas, philosophies, and ethics about D/s-based relationships. Over the course of our discussions I informed her that besides being a writer, I was also an occasional mentor and trainer of female submissives, as well as couples, who wished to explore this form of interaction model. I also made sure that Jane's husband was fully informed of our interactions, and even provided him with some suggestions.FWIW - I have lived a D/s lifestyle for close to 30 years now, and have had the good fortune to mentor/train more than a few females of quality, and a handful of couples as well.

Jane had a great number of questions. On any given day she could easily send me 4-6 emails. Too, our discussions were not solely focused on D/s topics. We corresponded at length on a wide range of subjects from John Ralston Saul, to the Holocaust, to genres of erotica, and John Norman's books of Gor. She showed great admiration for my perspective on these topics.

In short order, Jane revealed herself as a latent submissive who craved a dominant hand. She asked me to mentor her. I refused. It was not for another 4-6 months, after she had time to learn exactly what would be required from her in a formal relationship, that I would accept her request.

I should also mention that fairly early on in our email correspondences, and certainly before we ever spoke on the phone, Jane was provoked into a well known, and well documented, submissive condition known as sub-fever. This was brought about by her contact with me, and her latent nature. To help ease some of her tensions I provided her with some small trivial disciplines which helped. On more than one occasion she asked for more disciplines which I also refused since I did not wish her bonding more tightly to me.

Sometime early in 2008, I accepted Jane as my mentored girl. She was grateful for my acceptance.

I must now digress for a moment while I explain one or two items. Firstly: I consider mentoring to be a formal relationship, which is created for a specific purpose. It has a beginning and an ending. Any girl who wishes to enter into such a relationship with me is allowed two choices. The first is when she requests to be mentored. The second it when she requests to leave. In between, she acknowledges that all choices will be mine. I may refuse a girl who asks to enter into such a relationship with me, but I am duty bound never to refuse a girl's request to leave.

Also, I have three primary requirements, conditions if you will, on any such relationship. These are honesty, trust, and obedience.

Jane's mentoring was a time consuming challenge for me. She made many errors and mistakes. Each time she begged me to forgive her, showing great remorse, and promising it would not happen again. Each time I did forgive her (after she had been suitably punished). There was a pattern to her behaviour. First she would misbehave, and then she would be ashamed of her behaviour and beg forgiveness. She did not make a great deal of progress, despite my best efforts. Jane showed an ongoing pattern of extreme fluctuations of both mood and behaviour.

In June of 2008 Jane demanded to be released. I gave her 24 hours to think it over. Within 12 she had changed her mind.

In August 2008 I assigned a task to Jane. Her performance did not meet my expectations and I told her so. She became angry with me for not recognizing the amount of time she had devoted to this project. She sent me a note saying goodbye, and another of thanks. At which point I formally released her.

That should have been the end of it. For me, when a girl demands to be released in such a manner I see no point in any further communications.

Jane did contact me again a a few days, and continued to contact me on a variety of topics. By and large we did not discuss her mentoring.

Another brief digression. While Jane and I did not physically meet prior to Jan/2009 we did speak on the phone a number of times. Certainly less than ten times. Each call was on average 30-45 mins long. A fair amount of this talking could be described as phone sex. This too was part of her mentoring. On each occasion she expressed her gratitude. Her husband also expressed his thanks, saying that I had really helped her to blossom into a wonderful sexual creature.

Around Oct/2008 I was contacted by Jane's husband who told me they were intending to be in Montreal in January, and that they wished to invite my wife, sandra, and myself to a gala event they were attending. While I found this a somewhat unusual invitation (given that no relationship existed between Jane and myself any longer) I felt it was good manners to accept. Too, Jane's husband suggested that this might be an opportunity for me to bind Jane. Jane's first experience at bondage had not gone well, and she longed for the freedom of the ropes, and the discovery of another well known, and well documented condition, known as sub-space. On numerous occasions during her mentoring she said that she was waiting for my ropes.

While they were here, the four of us went for dinner, attended the gala, and spent a day and a night at my home in the country. They were excellent and gracious guests. They were also overly generous in the gifts they brought. sandra and I were good hosts. I even considered offering Jane's husband the use of sandra. I mentioned the thought to him, but in the end decided against it. I did not ask for, nor was I offered, the use of Jane. This did not bother me in the least. I had no interest at all in any personal use of Jane. Why would I? She was no longer my mentored girl, and more, she did not exhibit those qualities I find attractive in a female.

In the evening time I asked Jane's husband if he wished to see me binding his wife. He agreed, but Jane wished to see me binding my wife. I agreed to this condition. I first bound sandra in front of both of them, displaying her responses. Then, in front of her husband, I bound Jane. It only took 2-3 coils of rope before Jane could no longer stand on her own. I was not surprised. As she herself admits, she was well prepared for the moment. I ended up laying her at her husband's feet. She stayed like that for quite some time.

The next morning both of them had rather large smiles. Jane wore a string on her wrist and her husband held the other end. They called it her leash.

A number of further emails of thank followed, both from Jane and her husband. In addition, Jane contacted my wife on more than one occasion asking for additional advice on how to behave as a submissive. She replied and received emails of thanks from both Jane and her husband.

Jane's last email to me was in March of this year. I told her I would respond to it when I had the time. I have not yet had the time.

Throughout my time with her Jane displayed, presented, and responded as a submissive female on numerous occasions. Too, she responded to me in a manner and to an intensity that surprised her, even perhaps worried her. OTOH - she certainly tried her best to cover her nature when interacting with others. As part of preparing her for mentoring I gave her a number of references of other girls to contact, girls whom I have mentored, trained, or owned. In each case these girls contacted me saying they found Jane's behaviour and attitude to be contradictory and a poor reflection on how she was being developed. Later, when she was being mentored, this sort of disturbing feedback continued. I was told that she had an attitude that was neither appropriate nor respectful. I was told that she spoke of me, behind my back, in ways that I would not approve. I allowed these things to pass since I felt that she was still developing and learning. I felt that in time, with enough examples, she would come to understand and accept herself. Perhaps someday she will, but she certainly did not with me.

On many occasions Jane would get involved in situations where she was over her head, found herself in a state of emotional turmoil, and required my help to calm down and achieve balance again. Too, she contacted many people in her local BDSM group. From these people she received a great deal of advice that was in direct opposition to my own. I encouraged her to follow these advices as she wished. Each time it ended badly.

Jane is, imo, a classic case of a female who was not ready, or able, to accept her nature. Too, her self-centric view of the world made it almost impossible for her to focus on being pleasing, which is the primary motivation for a submissive. Unable to satisfy this need, she attempted to find other avenues of expression, or to blame others (including myself) for her state of mind. In part, it was something I was prepared for, since all the mentoring I do is intense and deeply personal, and therefore there is always the potential for periods of high emotions.

Jane was (and perhaps still is) a highly emotional female.

As to the binding of Jane, well, it was neither complex, erotic, or lengthy. Firstly, because my sole intent in doing this binding was to show Jane (and her husband) how easily she could placed in sub-space, and secondly because I simply was not that motivated. Certainly she may claim any reason she wishes for why she so quickly dived deep into sub-space. Certainly she may claim that she was trying to run away from me. Yet, even the most cursory review of the facts hardly backs up her claims. She contacted me. Her husband asked me to bind her. She wanted to be bound. She even turned the binding in a ritual of sorts wearing a special robe, charms, etc. I took no advantage of her. I did not touch her in a sexual manner. I was in every respect a gentleman in how I treated her.

I do not mentor and train for compensation. I do it, because it is my nature.

Frankly, I was more than willing to put the entire period behind me, and chalk it up to a misjudgment on my part. However, it has now become clear to me that she is not. She now claims I am some sort of predator or hunter, trying to lure other females to some sort of unclear doom. She does not have the courage to say these words to my face. She does not have the honesty to admit to the true facts of what occurred. She finds it easier to fabricate her own reality to explain her condition, than accept her own nature. She now seeks to use me as the scapegoat for her own tensions, and more, seeks to promote this view with others, who do not know me, as a way to gain sympathy for having been my "victim".

BTW - this is the same woman who dedicated one of the stories in her book to me. This is the same woman who wrote me countless emails of gratitude and thanks. This is the same woman who begged my protection. This is the same woman who credited me with transforming her life into something much more positive. So much so, that she even introduced me to her son, with the hope I might have some positive affect on him as well.

Those who spread gossip and rumours are the evil ones. Those who speak behind the back, sowing seeds of malice and discord are the ones filled with malice. Those who are unwilling to stand in public forum and lay out the facts, so that all may judge them, including the accused, are the ones who are behaving without an ethic.

I invite any of you who wish to come to my blog and read my writings. There you will find all the information you require to learn about my ethics, my character, and my beliefs. For those of you who belong to FetLife, you are most certainly welcome to check out my numerous postings there as well. I have no secrets about who I am, or what I do. I believe that it is only in the glare of the harsh cold light of honesty that meaningful dialog can take place. To my way of thinking, Jane has abrogated her right to such dialog by her actions. This is why I have posted in public.

Assuming this post is not deleted, I will continue to monitor this thread and responded to any and all questions. I have cross posted a copy of this note on my own blog, with a link back here, for those who might prefer to hold the discussion there. My blog can be found at http://mackenziecross.blogspot.com/

Thank you.

Be seeing you,

Mackenzie Cross

P.S. An update: 10AM 13MAY

I have tried twice to leave this comment at Jane's blog. Each time it has been accepted, but not published. I suspect I have been blocked. I have written an email directly to Jane asking her why I cannot post.

I would ask any of you who are interested to leave a brief comment on her blog asking why my comments have been blocked. Thank you.

More news as it happens.


deena said...

Hello Mr. Cross,
And hello to all of Mr. Cross’ blog readers,

I am alternately deeply sorrowed and quite furious that Mr. Cross is being exposed to the rather uncomplimentary descriptions I have read in Lady Nyo’s blog.

I am a beneficiary of Mr. Cross’ excellent submissive mentoring talents and I have never been happier, healthier or more powerful in my life. Hardly the result one would logically expect from the pathological attentions of a petty and angry rope top, no?

Certainly anyone’s feelings towards and interactions with another person are open to vast diversity. So I do not dispute the validity Lady Nyo’s expressed feelings and I understand that my own superb experience with Mr. Cross can only be viewed as additional data for consideration in this matter.

I do though dispute her summary assumption and subjective presentation of Mr. Cross’ feelings in her blog as well as the logic and maturity behind her self-described behaviour given her own negative feelings. Why ever would anyone of sound mind seek out and subject themselves to such intimate contact with someone they claim they did not respect and with whom they had such a contentious relationship? Really, this logic flaw alone smells “fishier” than 200 goldfish. And the rest of it is just as stinky in my opinion.

But this is just my humble opinion based on my knowledge and the words Lady Nyo has written.

With much respect and gratitude to the Mr. Cross I know is real,


deena said...

Hello again Mr. Cross,

I also attempted to post my earlier comment on Lady Nyo’s blog today near verbatim with the following modifications:

- I changed the referential pronouns and titles to accurately address my comment to Lady Nyo directly.
- I added a final sentence, “I certainly would welcome any additional clarifications you can provide to resolve this logical paradox.”, to my last paragraph to encourage her to address my concerns, and those of any other readers like myself, as to my perceived sense of the illogical nature of her statements.
- I added the postscript message, “P.S. I truly applaud anyone who is willing and courageous enough to speak out against someone they deem harmful. I ask that you extend your courage just a bit though and allow Mr. Cross to post his comment on your blog. Otherwise, you are engaging in slanderous gossip rather than responsible accusation.”

I regret to say that Lady Nyo has chosen not to allow me to post my comment on her blog nor has she responded privately to my concerns.

With much disappointed wonder at it all,


sienna said...

Greetings deena,

Greetings Mr.Cross,

Master has given this one permission to speak in the first person.

First i would like to acknowledge my great respect for you deena.I have read you posts on the GPB,and i find your writings very eloquent.i told Mr. Cross i hope to speak so well someday.

That having been said, i too have had the good fortune of Mr.Cross's knowledge.I would like to state for the record that he NEVER gets angry in those situations. He is ALWAYS in control,no matter how silly the girl gets. What he expects is clear,and not complicated.He expects honesty,openness,and communication. a girl never goes into anything wondering whats going to happen.I can go on and on.I am extremely irritated that she would be so ungrateful and disrespectful.

Kind of a side note.i think that is what makes his strength so amazing. He always listens to a girls feelings.He never tried to convince a girl that what she feels is not valid. i have always had a huge respect for that.

Back to my point.

I have spoken to Jane more than once when she expressed her undying gratitude,and how lucky she was to have his guidance.Everything Mr. Cross has stated about her feelings are true.i know this because she told me herself.i also know he gave her many chances to open up to him,to put as much into their mentoring relationship as he did.she did not.i know because she told me it was "to difficult for her to open up".she told me a lot of what he was expecting,and 99 percent of it was directly related to her asking to help her accomplish tasks.

Anonymous said...

Greetings, Master Cross,

I feel very sad for Jane. I believe she thinks to gain your attention with her bad behavior. This seems to have been her mode of operation from nearly the first. She quite unabashedly seeks sympathy by portraying you as a predator and now as a “cyberpath” and references the most questionable of blogs that uses psychobabble to explain why the parties involved may have been rejected or “fooled” by others online. The most usual justification seems to be that the cyberpathic person “pretended” to be friendly and then rejected the victim. The blog also seeks money to help these victims. It’s not clear why the victims need money. All of this is quite mysterious and hardly a valid authority on the subject of deviant personalities.

Jane seems to have borrowed both logic and terminology from this blog. This is too bad because she is an intelligent and capable woman and this sort of thing is really unnecessary and far beneath her. But then, smearing your reputation is far beneath her too.

I am sorry that this has happened. From a cursory scan of her blog, it appears she has been doing this for some time. I know she smeared your reputation on a popular list serve and that it was very clear to anyone who knew you or knew of you who she was talking about. Your reputation on there was tarnished in some quarters. My own opinion, however, was those that believed her and championed Jane held hostile views without knowing all the facts. Again too bad on Jane for such behavior.

Well, she has succeeded in gaining your attention, but I am guessing that this was not the sort of behavior she craved. Her persistence in contacting you and seeking out you and your slave while she was in Montreal seems calculated to further intimate contact with you. A wise friend recently told me that the dream of the prince who will take all pain away and be there for you at all times is just that – a dream. It’s not reality at all. It is my guess that Jane sees in you such a prince who will help her with her demons even though she seems to blame you for those very demons. Her restlessness and her unwarranted attacks against you suggest that she is an unhappy person. This is why I feel compassion for her.

Jane’s acts are certainly misguided if not evil, but she is not. I believe you have kept that in mind while recounting what really transpired between you and Jane. Your account rings true because of its fairness and its logic.

I also know that you are an honest man. As one of your mentored girls, I know that you have great patience and good humor with girls who provide great challenges. I sometimes thought you take us on for the very challenge of it. I know you changed my life in ways that only benefitted me and from the first I was challenging and confrontational and yet you helped me domesticate my own feral nature. There was no profit in it for you which makes your time and energy spent on such a challenge all the more amazing and quite wonderful.

Your association with your mentored and trained girls extends well beyond the time they are with you. A mentored girl will find that when they are challenged in their relationships or in their questions about their ongoing growth as submissive women that you will be there to answer those questions and make suggestions while always encouraging the woman to make her own decisions from deep within her own wisdom.

Jane missed out on an opportunity to grow when she was with you. I hope that she can move forward into the river of her life and take with her the many intangible gifts I know you gave to her as you give to each girl whom you mentor or train or advise or own.

I have not addressed this to your sorrow although I can guess that it is great since you do wish each of us well, and I am sorry for your distress. I have not done so because I know that you are capable of keeping your balance and of acting in a fair and consistent manner. And although you do not need a girl’s support in these matters, you have mine. Ultimately you will triumph through your own will and goodness.

Sincerely and respectfully,

Mackenzie Cross said...

Greetings vira,

Thank you for yoru words of support. They are much appreciated.

I think you are quite correct in identifying the basic fallacy in her logic and behaviour. Somethings just don't smell right, no matter how much pretty wrapping you put around them.

Again, thank you for your support.

Be seeing you,

Mackenzie Cross said...

Greetings deena,

Thank you for your comments. We are in agreement. I appreciate you trying to have them posted at Jane's blog site. It is too bad she really does not wish an open debate on the issue.

Greetings sienna,

Thank you for your comments and providing some additional background to this particular set of events. Your honesty is appreciated.

Be seeing you,

nekoko deli said...

quote Mr. Cross [re. Jane's reactions in rope/ reasons]:
"...Certainly she may claim any reason she wishes for why she so quickly dived deep into sub-space. Certainly she may claim that she was trying to run away from me. ...]

As other aspects have been taken care of, I'll just leave one little comment about sub-space in ropes.

I dare put it as a statement:
It is ONLY possible to go into sub-space with a rigger/ a man, you wish to know and interact with.
(Nothing said of duration or type of realtionship).

In ropes, one senses one another so clearly, good parts/ not so good parts of ones personality ^-, that I do not believe it possible to get into sub-space with a someone for 'running away'. Faking it, is a different matter though ;o)(have never heard of that...)
But wouldn't the shine in her eyes afterward tell? :o)

Mackenzie Cross said...

Greetings nekoko,

I certainly agree with you. Entry into subspace requires a power flow between the dominant and the submissive. Without it, there is nothing.

Therefore, even though I might not have been fully motivated, I certainly allowed my energy to flow into the process. To do less, would be to make the binding nothing more than craft work. Her responses (and yes her very big smile the next morning!) certainly seemed to indicate that I was successful, despite my reservations.

Now if I could only find my way to Europe with a couple of coils of fine rope, eh?

Thank you for your comment.

Be seeing you,

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