Sunday, February 8, 2009

Keeping a submissive flame buring hot


A little while ago a reader who identified herself simply as "a girl" asked the following question:

Just what is the process a dominant man can use to keep the submissive flame burning hot?

Firstly, I believe that the maintenance of the D/s relationship is a two way street. In the same way that power flows between the Dominant and the Submissive so to the conduit that carries that energy (i.e. the relationship) requires ongoing maintenance and renewal.

For the Dominant this can take a number of forms. For myself, I am a great believer in formality in a D/s relationship. WHile I try not to be too stuffy about it I feel that one of the ways that a girl recognizes that she is in a special sort of relationship with me, and that I do not view her as I would other women, is because of the overt formality in how I interact with her. This can include tone of voice, the way disciplines are enforced, careful attention to the tasks being performed by the Submissive, etc. I think formality is a good idea because it requires that the Dominant be aware of what he is doing at all time.

Of course, formality is not the only option. There are many others. For example, one may require a Submissive to perform certain rituals or disciplines of gratitude not only when they are given a task, but even when they are on their own. One may require the submissive to ask permission for simple acts such as going to the bathroom, eating, or even requesting permission to masturbate. All of these will act as an ongoing reinforcement of the girl's submission. One may also ratchet up the volume by keeping a girl in a collar 24/7, or having her tattooed, etc. In this manner she is very much aware of who she belongs to.

Some girls have told me that even performing domestic mundane chores can reinforce their sense of submission. Doing the laundry, preparing a meal, cleaning his room, etc, all of these take on special meaning when they must be performed in a certain manner, and she knows he will check up on her later on.

The key is to check up. As I have said in the past, if the dominant does not take his responsibility seriously, and is not willing to check on her work, making sure it is done properly and to his satisfaction, then there is every chance that she will soon feel neglected and the sub fever will burn at a lower intensity. In certain cases it can even be quenched.

The submissive also has a role to play if she wants to keep herself running hot and needy. She must apply herself to her tasks and disciplines. She must place herself in front of her Dominant for his examination and approval. She must not take his choices away. She must try and cultivate a mindset that keeps her in a submissive space. She must bring her issues and concerns to her Dominant. She must be ready to express both her needs, and also her fears.

I have written of these things before. There is no magic formula, no silver bullet. A D/s relationship is maintained with hard work on both sides, courageous honesty, deep trust, and a sense of the spiritual. If one partner feels like something is fading then they have a responsibility to open up there mouth and tell the other person. Otherwise, things will fall apart.

Happily, while it does require work to keep a D/s relationship going, the work is not so onerous. After all, it should really not be that big a deal to break out the ropes every now and then, bind your girl into something tight and exposing, and have your way with her, should it?

Like a pet, a submissive needs looking after. Treat her well, and she will stay loyal, hot, and eager to please.

Be seeing you,


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Cross,

Well, off to a bad start as I find I do miss calling you “Mentor” rather violently. And once again am wafting between TFP and normal speech. I will have to give some deep thought as to what might feel appropriate and natural now.

I do have a burning new goal though and it is to one day dazzle you with my normal skill at spoken articulation. Just once I would like to be able to speak with you without being on the verge, or in the throes, of abject animal need, or as I was also last night, close to tears. It is good to have a next step to contemplate.

Though any means or level of articulation cannot truly communicate the deep sense of gratitude and respect I feel for you. You were a lightning bolt of illumination and positive alteration. I truly have never felt so in tune with myself or so joyful with what life now offers. It is rather like you popped open a new chocolate box of life for me and a decadent feast of once hidden flavours and experiences now await.

I also find it telling that my first and last question on this journey with you did turn out to be the most trivial. True, I do very much adore my new and very responsive sexuality, but what I learned about my past and behaviors and interactions was all so incredibly meaningful and powerful that even this luscious finding was quite overcome by the awesome immensity of the entire discovery. So many people die without ever being gifted with this level of self-knowledge and understanding of those around them. So you are a pretty good Buddhist too. But you do need to work on that utterly addictive side of you perhaps to achieve true siddhartha status.

Finally, this girl, and yes, she is a girl here, does beg that Mr. Cross remember and call for this girl’s grateful service whenever he determines what he desires.

With forever gratitude for the experience of a lifetime,

deena, a girl

Mackenzie Cross said...

Greetings deena,

Thank you.

While perhaps being my shortest mentoring relationship to date, nonetheless it was very special.

I am most glad that you have found our time together to be of benefit. Strange words from a sadist perhaps, but not from your mentor. It is always pleasing to satisfy one's nature while at the same time helping another.

I will look forward to our "normal" conversations. In the meantime, your newly found voice is quite pleasing. I hope that someday another may appreciate it as I have.

As far as my addictive side, yes, it is a problem, but one that, at least for the moment, I have developed a few modest coping skills to contain.

Thank you also for the offer of your service. As I mentioned, it is something that I will accept when the time is right.

Good fortune and balance to your, deena.

Be seeing you,

Mackenzie Cross

Anonymous said...

Hello again Sir,

This girl apologizes that she did not express one of her points more clearly in her previous post. When this girl mentioned Sir's addictive side, she was not implying that Sir was an addict but rather that Sir was addictive. To this girl at least. Sir's humble response was quite refreshing though.

With much respect, and within the duality of such, to needful things,


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