Friday, July 18, 2008

Responses to a reader's comments

Greetings all,

One reader had a number of interesting comments to make about my recent post on reflecting energy. However, the comments appeared to be a general critique of my thoughts and techniques as a whole, so I thought it made more sense to post it up here where others could view it and participate if they so wished.

Here is the entire text of the comment by "Anonymous"

i do not dispute a point because generally - you make no points. That is MY point. And by presuming to 'teach' and 'train' submissives for any purpose but your own use implies you believe your point of view should be disseminated to others. Beyond sexual or performance technique and familiarity, there is nothing a teacher can 'train' on as each submissive must 'learn' from their own Dom, not someone else. To presume to 'teach' is beyond your scope unless the sub is yours. The only reason i would not 'lob small greandes' would be if i was engaged in a battle - but it is not worth battling someone of so fixed a perspective and so limited a view of D/s. You have missed the mark, and while entitled to your views, you should not have the audacity to 'teach'[ anyone but your own. pity the novice who gets caught in such a onesided view of things.

Here is my reply:


Let's take this one point at a time, shall we?

>>i do not dispute a point because generally - you make no points. That is MY point.<<

A nice general way to side step the entire matter. By refusing to specify anything in specific to which you object, you avoid the responsibility of having to do anything but critique.

>> And by presuming to 'teach' and 'train' submissives for any purpose but your own use implies you believe your point of view should be disseminated to others.<<

This is about as wrongful and backward a statement as possible. If I was only interested in developing a girl for my own use I would hardly have any motivation to share my ideas on training and development with others. I would spend more of my time with the girl, and rather less on writing in a blog. My ego does not require that I pontificate about my thoughts to others.

This blog was created in direct response to the requests of quite a few people after I shut down my web site. People who thought the information had some value.

Next, for the vast majority of women (and couples) I work with I have no interest at all in making them "mine." In fact I am quite specific about the fact that I will not become their "Owner," "Master," "Lord," etc, whenever they enter into a formal relationship with me. I do not need or require more girls of my own. I have quite enough to keep me busy. My purpose in working with other females is to help them understand their submission, and prepare them for what will come next, which will hopefully be a long term D/s relationship with another.

Next, most of what I do is mentoring, not teaching or training. While there is of course some element of teaching in a mentoring relationship, and perhaps a bit of light training, a mentoring relationship is geared more to helping the emerging submissive come to terms with her self. Training, imo, is a rather different sort of thing.

>> Beyond sexual or performance technique and familiarity, there is nothing a teacher can 'train' on as each submissive must 'learn' from their own Dom, not someone else.<<

Wrong, wrong, wrong. You show an incredible lack of understanding in this matter. In fact, I would suggest that it is really the opposite that is the truth. The only thing you correctly imply is that each Dominant is different and therefore will have different preferences in how they wish to be served. That is why I believe that the majority of sexual and service techniques should be developed and maintained by the individual dominant. What a mentor does is prepare a girl to be accepting of these techniques. He/she helps the Submissive develop the honesty and trust required to enter into the intensity of the D/s relationship. The mentor assist the submissive in understanding the various processes that are occurring and counsels on ways to deal with the inevitable stress of setting aside an entrenched world view learned from the vanilla world. IMO - girls who have been well-mentored are more balanced, less stressed, and better suited to deal with the intensity of a D/s relationship.

The problem is that way too many newly awakened submissives become involved with dominants who have no idea at all on how to handle them, and in the end ruin them.

I find it rather curious that you would presume to have something to say on this subject and at the same time show such a complete lack of understanding of the process.

>> To presume to 'teach' is beyond your scope unless the sub is yours.<<

Once again you are incorrect. It is precisely because she is not mine that I can mentor and develop her. The relationship is formal, specific, and transitory. This is understood from the beginning. Certain objectives are set and when they are accomplished the relationship is ended. By operating within these narrow confines, and rigid structure, the newly awakened submissive finds the security to explore her nature and discuss her feelings. She is less concerned with being "perfect" and more concerned with her development. The value of the mentoring relationship is that it has none of the strings and baggage so often attached to more permanent D/s pairings. This is comforting to the submissive.

And it is not a presumption on my part that I do these things. I have, and continue to do them. I have the references of those who I have worked with. I have refined my ideas over the last thirty years.

What have you accomplished?

>> The only reason i would not 'lob small greandes' would be if i was engaged in a battle - but it is not worth battling someone of so fixed a perspective and so limited a view of D/s. You have missed the mark, and while entitled to your views, you should not have the audacity to 'teach'[ anyone but your own. pity the novice who gets caught in such a onesided view of things.<<

For someone not engaged in a battle you have certainly not shied away from making accusations and inflammatory statements. Are my views "fixed?" Yes, in many ways they are. Why? Because after thirty odd years of doing this, and interacting with many submissive women, I have seen patterns. I have learned what works and what does not work. And not only this, but I feel it is a testimony to my techniques that virtually all of these women are quite willing to provide me with a reference if I require it, and are grateful for what I have accomplished with them.

So I ask you again, what have you accomplished? What is the basis for your opinions on what the rest of the D/s world is all about? If you are so sure that I am wrong, how do you know what is right? You suggest that every submissive must learn from a particular Dom. That is the sort of advice that has led to so many girls being seriously hurt (emotionally, intellectually, and often physically) in their D/s encounters. In my opinion, of the two of us, it is you who are giving the rather poor advice, not me. Still, I do believe that there are probably many more people out there who think like you, rather than me. Perhaps that is why there are so many submissives who had incredible potential, who end up ruined and hurt.

Because they listened and believed you knew what you were talking about.

How sad.

P.S. If you are going to continue you this debate with me, will you at least give yourself a name? You may be reluctant to share any other information about yourself, but I think it would be polite to at least allow me to call you something other than Anonymous.

Be seeing you,


Pete said...

Greetings Mackenzie,
Those were some angry comments.
What you must understand about Mackenzie, he is a very honorable man. He does just what he says. To say that someone can not teach a girl about her submission is short sided. When someone is learning how to play an instrument they must first learn all of proper techniques involved.
The teacher is teaching them how to play music. Not the teacher’s music, but music. Once they learn this, they can then play with anybody. The same goes for a girl. Once she learns about her submissive self, she can then be pleasing to any Dominant. This is what Mackenize does. He helps girls learn about themselves. It is a skill that you (the comment poster) could learn from.
I asked him to help me train and mentor my girl about a year and a half ago. His experience and wealth of knowledge helped her tremendously. He said form the beginning that he was not her Master, but he was preparing her for me. She has been well prepared and able to adjust to my preferences, which I am sure are different that Mackenzie's. This preparation made all of the difference.
Let me ask you a question, why are you so angry and insecure? If you take the time to think, put aside your fears and talk with Mackenzie, you will undoubtedly come to a different conclusion.

I have also learned a great deal from Mackenzie. He taught me techniques and better ways to handle my girl. He has shown himself to be nothing but honorable. He is looking out for the welfare of girls. They are many poor dominants out there who could hurt these new submissives.

Again, do you think Tommy Lee learned how to play drums from the members of Motley Crew, NO. He learned from his teacher.

Be well,

Anonymous said...

Greetings Mr. Cross,

This was quite an attack from an anonymous reader. I agree with Pete, it makes one wonder what s/he is afraid of.

There is one other point that might also pertain to this. If a submissive is only trained by the Dominant that he or she is serving, then they hardly have a wide enough frame of reference to know if they are being treated well.

Proper mentoring gives the submissive a strong sense of self and an ability to recognize a good Dominant and one whose development and moral compass may be still require some growth. This might be threatening to those Dominants who want a docile and easily manipulated submissive. But those are the ones who have not quite learned the difference between the bully and the Dominant not to mention the difference between the victim and the submissive.

Seneca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Cross

This has been a useful exchange of thoughts. You mentioned that over the years you have noticed patterns and it would be wonderful to read about them. Previously there was discussion about how a submissive comes to term with her nature and how she tells a man about this. The more she knows about those patterns, the better she will be able to address those tasks. We are all unique but we share common traits and there is comfort I think in knowing how we are similar to others.


Anonymous said...

well i debated for a long time about even bothering to respond, but upon my Master's instruction i am doing so. Firstly, i do not debate point by point - i learned long ago from a business Mentor not to get bogged down in details when you are making a general all includsive statement. so i will not go thru the exercise of dissecting your response. just to let you know some background - myMaster has been in teh lifestyle for almost 50 years - since He was introduced to it as a young teenager by a Domme neighbor. He became a Dom when He reached the age of 20 or so and has been active in the community in stages since then, but is extremely knowledgeable. my Mentor had over 20 years experience. my Master has read your site and concurs that this is more of an ego exercise for you than passing along legitimate information. your remarks are 'almost' what it is really like out there - 'almost' what it is about to be submissive, to be 'trained' - and i seriously doubt if there was a great clamoring for your personal knowledge which seems limited at best. a good Mentor advises, guides, and does not espouse any 'one' perspective - but exposes the mentoree to a wide variety of resources -not just His opinion and your expressions of your opinion are very one-sided and you constantly speak in absolutes. one fo the first indicators NOT to listen to someone is if they say 'i know the only way'. Having said that, as for my name? why - it is meaningless to you and since i expect to have no further contact, recognizing a great waste of time when i see it - will not bother. frankly we both are relatively anonymous in the community and i woudl venture there is no one actually living a D/s lifestyle who would recognize you except for your own subs. i do wish you luck, but there is far more to the lifestyle than you state - one of the biggest mistakes made by any of us is to assume we know it all, which you seem to imply that you do. thank you for your commentary and iwish you luck in your journey - but my Master and i both suggest you do a little more learning - after almost 50 years, He still 'studies' and that is what makes Him a well-respected Dominant.

p.s. pete i am not in the least insecure - but i very much resent the kind of misinformation disseminated here to some innocent newbie and also feel strongly that the personal satisfaction of someone who thinks sex is in exchange for their 'vast' knowledge is a predator and not a worthy counsellor to anyone

Mackenzie Cross said...

Greetings anonymous,

>>well i debated for a long time about even bothering to respond, but upon my Master's instruction i am doing so.<<

As a general rule, it is always good to follow ones Master's instructions.

>> Firstly, i do not debate point by point - i learned long ago from a business Mentor not to get bogged down in details when you are making a general all includsive statement. so i will not go thru the exercise of dissecting your response.<<

I see we had rather different business mentors. From my perspective, generalities may provide a useful starting point for debate, but the true devil is in the details. Having a debate on general "includsive"(sic) is rather more like dueling monologues than any meaningful discussion. In the end all one can do is agree to disagree, which isn't much of an agreement at all.

>> my Master has read your site and concurs that this is more of an ego exercise for you than passing along legitimate information. <<

As another general rule, it is good to have concurrence with ones Master.

Is my blog an exercise in ego? I am not quite sure what that means. On the one hand, I am reminded of the words of Robert Heinlein who said - "Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of - but do it in private and wash your hands afterward." I suppose from that pov - all writing is an ego exercise. Is my information legitimate? Well, given that you have not offered any counterpoints about what the legitimate information really is, I suppose I shall have to simply accept the fact that you, and your Master, obviously know more than I do, eh?

>>your remarks are 'almost' what it is really like out there - 'almost' what it is about to be submissive, to be 'trained' - and i seriously doubt if there was a great clamoring for your personal knowledge which seems limited at best.<<

Well, it is good to know that at least I have made it to "almost." Perhaps if I work at it for another couple of decades I will finally get there and be able to offer the real legitimate truths that you speak of, since clearly you have no interest in doing so.

>> a good Mentor advises, guides, and does not espouse any 'one' perspective - but exposes the mentoree to a wide variety of resources -not just His opinion and your expressions of your opinion are very one-sided and you constantly speak in absolutes.<<

I agree with most of this, except for your statement of my speaking in absolutes. I do not feel I speak in absolutes, but I certainly express my opinions.

>> Having said that, as for my name? why - it is meaningless to you and since i expect to have no further contact, recognizing a great waste of time when i see it - will not bother.<<

Finally, I see we agree on something. I was getting worried there for a moment thinking we would be unable to find any common ground at all. Although I must admit to a certain amount of surprise at your Master allowing you to make such comments. I would certainly not allow any of my girls to speak in such a manner to another dominant. Personally, I consider your words to be disrespectful and not a worthy reflection of your Master’s training. If he felt that strongly about the matter, I would have expected him to say something in his own voice (or that of your Mentor. Although why you need both a Mentor and a Master is quite beyond me, but then again, what do I know, eh?)

However, I acknowledge that my way is not the only one, and perhaps there are those relationships which allow a submissive to be disrespectful at certain times.

>> frankly we both are relatively anonymous in the community and i woudl venture there is no one actually living a D/s lifestyle who would recognize you except for your own subs.<<

Recognition is hardly the issue. Contribution is much more the purpose of this blog, as is most of my writing.

As to our relative levels of anonymity, well, I am with the one with the name, and you are not, eh?

>> i do wish you luck, but there is far more to the lifestyle than you state - one of the biggest mistakes made by any of us is to assume we know it all, which you seem to imply that you do. thank you for your commentary and iwish you luck in your journey - but my Master and i both suggest you do a little more learning - after almost 50 years, He still 'studies' and that is what makes Him a well-respected Dominant.<<

My thanks for your offer of luck. I need all that I can get. I do not consider myself a lucky person, although I have been blessed with remarkable amounts of good fortune. Too, I thank you for the suggestion made by yourself and your Master. You may rest assured that I have never stopped learning, and doubt that I will until the day of my death. As the saying goes - you live, you learn. As to your Master being well-respected, I must assume that he is, though it is rather difficult to verify given that you (and he) have chosen to stay incognito.

As for my part, I wish the two of you luck at being the advocates of the true legitimate truth of the D/s lifestyle, and in making sure that those who do not have it are well of aware of their lack of knowledge, even if they are not sure what exactly it is they are missing. I would suggest that you start using a better spell checker when you write emails and posts, and that your Master should consider writing a book of his wisdom, knowledge, and experiences.


Be seeing you,

Mackenzie Cross

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