Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How does the submissive reflect the energy of the dominant? Part 2

Greetings all,

When I wrote my post on how the submissive reflects the dominant’s energy I concluded that I had not really answered the question I had been posed. I will try to do that now. Here is the original question again.

Could you please explain in more detail what you mean by the submissive reflecting the energy of the dominant? How does this happen, please? How can you tell that you have done so? Is it something that one does consciously? I'm afraid I fall into the second of the three groups you delineated so this does confuse me. I would appreciate it if you'd make this clearer for me.

I believe that by this stage I have made it clear that for an experienced dominant the submissive will naturally, and easily, reflect his energy. This can be done both in person or via cyberspace. Physical contact is not required for the process to occur. The well experienced submissive will not be surprised by her responses. Since she has had much experience in interacting with dominant males she is not concerned by what she is feeling, but rather flows effortlessly into the interaction if she wishes to, or can diplomatically withdraw if that is what is required.

No problem.

Too, if the dominant is well experienced, he will control the interaction. Even if the female is unaware of the fact, he will be in control. Again, there is no problem.

But what if he is not well experienced?

Here is what I believe. Nature calls to nature. Even when both the parties are unaware of their nature, still they will call to each other. Mistakes are often made (beginnings are dangerous), but still nature calls to nature.

The male dominant radiates his energy. What does this mean? I would suggest that it implies his approach to his environment. It is in the way he talks, he moves, he asserts himself. In every subtle action he takes, there is an undercurrent of dominance, even if he is unaware of that he is doing these things. For example, one girl once remarked to me that I had a particular way of walking into a room. I believe her words were, “You own the room.” I was never quite sure what she was talking about, since there is nothing I am conscious of doing when I enter a room, yet obviously she observed (and reacted!) to something I was doing.

Since I am not that unique, I would suggest that this manner of asserting oneself in ones environment is done by others.

A submissive female can not help but react to this sort of energy. It is her nature to react. What form does this reaction take? How is it made manifest? For the experienced submissive her reaction is deliberate and measured. Why? Because she understands what is happening. For the less experienced submissive (and the un-awakened submissive) the reaction can vary a great deal. But regardless of how it is done, she will end up doing more or less the same thing – reflecting his energy.

How does she reflect his energy? Here is the root of the question? What is the physical process that occurs? In other posts I have spoken of deliberate physical acts the female may perform to attract the male’s attention, but this is hardly an answer to the question.

After much consideration, I am not sure if I have an answer. I only know that, somehow, she does it. Perhaps this is the energy field that sandra has spoken of sensing. Perhaps it is sensory experience that goes beyond our acknowledged five senses. Perhaps it has something to do with scent. I really do not know. I only know that it is real, it occurs, and it can be detected.

Is it possible for the submissive to know she is reflecting a particular fellow’s energy? I am not sure, but certainly she will know the instant he turns his attention to her. She will sense it in her head, her heart, and her groin. She will be aware that something is happening internally, not only at an intellectual/emotional level, but at a physical level as well. Too, she will know it because when he turns his attention away from her, she will feel it at once, like the sun being hidden behind a cloud, or the needle being lifted off of a favourite record that has been playing.

She can have some measure of control over this experience, if she has been trained or mentored, but that does not mean she can turn it off. She is who she is. Nature may not be denied.

Which, I think, is a pretty good thing.

Be seeing you,



Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Cross

There is a theory that what lies at the heart of submission is 'attention'. At first I didn't want to believe it. What did that say about me - that I was 'attention seeking'?

But the sun does indeed go behind the cloud when the dominant is not paying attention to the submissive. It's just a fact.


Mackenzie Cross said...

Greetings Rob,

Is it fact? I am not to sure.

IMO, the well developed submissive, who is in a D/s relationship, has achieved a sense of balance. She is at peace on her being. Inside, she knows that regardless of the attention paid to her, the bond between her and her partner exists. Attention is not required to make that manifest.

At times, her partner will focus no attention at all upon her. She accepts this, not as a form of rejection, but rather as simply the state of things. In the same way that her service requires that she be brilliant and radiant at times, so to there are times when she must be quiet and still.

Such is the nature of service.

Be seeing you,


Anonymous said...

Mr. Cross

Ah! If only the world (and the submissive's state of mind and sense of well being) were so perfect!

Whilst she knows on one level that what you write is in fact true, she is, like all others, made of flesh and blood, and subject to her fleeting insecurities.

Let's just say, I'm working on it.....

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