Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tasting submissive power

Greetings all,

I was watching some videos today of a man binding women into unusual and difficult positions. I greatly admire his work. It is extreme and, to my eyes, honest. To the best of my knowledge he is only known as "pd".

Beyond appreciating the creativity and artistry, what I truly respect about pd's work is the interaction between himself and the girl. He never rushes his movements. He does things in a calm and deliberate manner. He rarely raises his voice. He never takes his clothes off. And yet, he has this amazing intensity about him that is both erotic and terrifying. When a girl is under his hand, there is no question of the power he has over her. She is fearful of this power, but there is also an undeniable erotic attraction.

This interaction is clearly displayed in the videos.

This led me to wonder about what sort of woman would willingly consent to be treated in such a manner, bound in positions that others might label as demeaning or humiliating, but which to her are sensual and satisfying.

I suppose the easy answer would be say that she obviously has low self-esteem and little sense of self-worth. Perhaps even a history of being abused as a child. IOW - a woman who felt powerless.

I think that sort of answer is something one commonly hears from people who do not understand the D/s dynamic. On the surface, it appears that the submissive is a passive doormat, and by inference must have some sort of psychological problem which has caused this condition.

I couldn't disagree more.

It has been my experience that it requires a tremendous amount of personal power for a female to submit to the power of a dominant. She must be confident in her own sense of personal value, as well as mature enough to process the D/s interaction dynamic without causing her undue tension. Such capabilities would not be generally found in a doormat.

Further, while the dominant is in control, his satisfaction is derived from the energy which the submissive provides. Simply put, there is very little satisfaction in doing a scene with a lump of passive flesh. Such a thing might be of interest to a man who has little sense of personal power, but every dominant I have ever respected all speak of the same thing, that there pleasure is derived from the feedback of the female.

IOW - unless the submissive is well balanced, powerful, and confident, she simply can not develop as a girl of quality. When I mentor or train girls this is often the aspect I have to work on the most. Many women are conflicted when it comes to D/s. In their hearts they yearn for it, but society says that to submit means they are weak and powerless. This conflict must be reconciled before they can really learn about the "freedom of the ropes."

Too, very powerfully dominant males will tend to seek out powerful submissives (or perhaps the reverse is true). On more than one occasion I have encountered women who have told me that they had never bowed to any man, but would submit to me. Why is that? Nature calls to nature. Power calls to power. People seek balance.

The whole notion of a powerless submissive makes no sense to me, any more than the notion of a powerless dominant. The well-developed submissive is confident, assured, and powerful. In her domestic life she will be dynamic, decisive, and often a leader of others. There is no contradictions in this, rather it makes perfect sense.

What dominant would want a lump of meat when he could taste the energy provided by a powerful woman who has submitted to his will, begged his collar, and pleads for his bondage? And, once tasted, he will never be able to go back to a more mundane interaction.

Be seeing you,


Anonymous said...

Greetings Mr. Cross,

A very interesting article. As a submissive woman of considerable strength your words ring true. This of course in no surprise! I have only felt submissive to a few men in my life, and certainly not to any “Dom, Dick or Harry” with a black t-shirt and a shaved head! Those caricatures are laughable really.

I think part of the explanation comes from the “nature calls to nature” that you mentioned. A submissive woman is not looking for someone to bully her. She’s looking for someone to match her, someone who is strong enough, powerful enough and worthy of her devotion and service. She’s looking for someone she can’t ‘snow’, someone she can’t manipulate, someone she can respect.

Unfortunately as you pointed out in an earlier post, men have been systematically taught that personal power is somehow unsociable. So it’s hard to find worthy candidates. And when one does find a man with the power necessary, then as often as not, they haven’t figured out the responsibility requirements of being dominant.

Thank you for an interesting post.

Asobime said...

Wow. You give a compelling argument for this power exchange issue.

I have had only one experience in bondage, and it was not the best. There was a certain degree of humiliation attempted. However, the power of the ropes transcended all under a difficult situation. The noodlers couldn't destroy that.

How much better and more powerful would that experience have been IF I had been matched with a Dominant who respected the exchange and brought it forth in all it's beauty and energy. Who wasn't farting around but knew what he was doing and could call out that exchange.

I already sense that my submissive nature is the seat of my energy and imagination. Harness that, and something surprising will happen.

Having already tasted my innate power I know that it must be matched with a powerful Dominant who is worthy and can call it out in its full glory. That is the issue: finding compatible strength to match. The energy must match energy.

It's worth the search and waiting to do so. Power calls out to power, and nothing else will satisfy.

Tasting that, how could anyone go back to the mundane?


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